Sumatera Utara Economy Quarter II-2022 4.70 Percent (y-on-y) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nias Regency

Sumatera Utara Economy Quarter II-2022 4.70 Percent (y-on-y)

Sumatera Utara Economy Quarter II-2022 4.70 Percent (y-on-y)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 9, 2022
File Size : 1.79 MB


  • The economy of Sumatera Utara based on the amount of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in the second quarter of 2022 at current prices reached Rp. 235.18 trillion and at constant prices in 2010 reached Rp. 142.51 trillion.
  • The economy of Sumatera Utara in Quarter II-2022 compared to Quarter I-2022 grew by 2.56 percent (q-to-q). In terms of production, the highest growth was in the Government Administration, Defense and Mandatory Social Security Business Fields of 8.72 percent. In terms of Expenditures, the Government Consumption Expenditure Component was the component that experienced the highest growth of 19.00 percent.
  • Sumatera Utara's economy in Quarter II-2022 compared to Quarter II-2021 grew by 4.70 percent (y-on-y). In terms of production, the Transportation and Warehousing Business Field experienced the highest growth of 12.10 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the highest growth was in the component of Exports of Goods and Services at 12.07 percent.
  • Sumatera Utara's economy in Semester I-2022 compared to Semester I-2021 grew by 4.33 percent (c-to-c). In terms of production, the Transportation and Warehousing Business Field experienced the highest growth of 9.16 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the highest growth was in the component of Exports of Goods and Services at 12.34 percent.
  • The economic structure on the island of Sumatra spatially in the second quarter of 2022 is dominated by several provinces, including the province of Sumatera Utara which contributes to GRDP on the island of Sumatera by 22.54 percent; Riau Province by 23.69 percent; Sumatera Selatan Province by 13.69 percent; and Lampung Province by 10.07 percent. While the lowest contribution was Bengkulu Province at 2.18 percent
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