Nias Regency Economic Growth in 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nias Regency

Nias Regency Economic Growth in 2023

Release Date : December 16, 2024
File Size : 2.29 MB


The Nias economy in 2023 will increase by 3.82 percent. An increase compared to 2022 which grew by 3.06 percent.
  • Based on the production approach, the highest growth in business fields was achieved by the information and communication business field at 6.34 percent, followed by the mining and excavation business field at 5.48 percent, and accommodation and food and beverage providers at 5.01 percent.
  • The three business fields that play a dominant role in the GRDP of Nias Regency according to business fields in 2023 are: agriculture, forestry, and fisheries business fields at 48.84 percent; government administration, defense and mandatory social security at 11.90 percent; and construction at 10.71 percent.
  • When viewed from the expenditure approach, the growth of the four components of expenditure in 2023 is the Government Consumption Expenditure (PKP) component at 4.37 percent; followed by the Household Consumption Expenditure (PKRT) component at 3.86 percent; and the Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) component of 3.78 percent. Meanwhile, the LNPRT Consumption Expenditure component only grew by 2.75 percent.
  • When viewed from the expenditure approach, the highest growth was the government consumption component of 7.49 percent, followed by gross fixed capital formation of 5.22 percent, and the household consumption expenditure component of 4.05 percent. Meanwhile, the LNPRT consumption expenditure component was the lowest, at only 3.42 percent.
  • Based on the expenditure side, the household consumption expenditure (PKRT) component contributed the largest, at 86.21 percent; followed by the gross fixed capital formation component of 27.40 percent; and the government consumption expenditure component of 22.61 percent.
  • In nominal terms, the Nias Regency GRDP in 2023 based on current prices reached IDR 4,857.79 billion and the Nias Regency GRDP in 2023 based on constant prices reached IDR 2,853.23 billion.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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