Nias Regency Economic Growth in 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nias Regency

Nias Regency Economic Growth in 2021

Nias Regency Economic Growth in 2021Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : April 22, 2022
File Size : 1.45 MB


The economy of Nias Regency in 2021 will increase by 2.21 percent. An increase compared to 2020 which experienced a contraction of 1.80 percent.
Based on the production approach, the business sector with the highest growth was achieved by the information and communication business sector at 5.59 percent, followed by the electricity and gas procurement business sector at 4.44 percent, as well as wholesale and retail trade, car and motorcycle repairs at 3.92 percent. .
Three business fields that give a dominant role to the GRDP of Nias Regency according to business fields in 2021 are: agriculture, forestry and fisheries business fields of 48.24 percent; government administration, defense and compulsory social security by 12.35 percent; and construction by 11.09 percent.
When viewed from the expenditure approach, growth for the inter-regional export component was 4.52 percent, followed by the gross fixed capital formation component of 3.01 percent and household consumption of 3.11 percent. Meanwhile, the consumption component of LNPRT experienced a 2.70 percent contraction.
Based on the expenditure side, the household consumption expenditure component (PKRT) gave the largest contribution, amounting to 91.11 percent; following the import component between regions by 73.37 percent; and the component of inter-regional exports by 32.44 percent.
In nominal terms, the GRDP of Nias Regency in 2021 based on current prices reached Rp. 4,221.86 billion and the GRDP of Nias Regency in 2021 at constant prices reached Rp. 2,666.86 billion.
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