In February 2022, three CPI cities in Sumatera Utara Province recorded inflation, namely Pematangsiantar of 0.18 percent; Padangsidimpuan by 0.37 percent; and Gunung Sitoli by 0.43 percent. While the other two cities had deflation, namely Sibolga by 0.21 percent; and Medan by 0.28 percent; Thus, the combined 5 CPI cities in North Sumatra in February 2022 deflation 0.21 percent.
In February 2022, Medan deflated 0.28 percent or there was a decline in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 107.02 in January 2022 to 106.72 in February 2022. Deflation occurred due to a decrease in prices from five expenditure groups, namely the food and beverage group. , and tobacco by 0.82 percent; health group by 0.02 percent; transportation group by 1.09 percent; information, communication, and financial services group by 0.03 percent; and recreation, sports, and culture groups by 0.04 percent. On the other hand, the groups that experienced price increases were the housing, water, electricity, and household fuel groups by 0.29 percent; household equipment, equipment, and routine maintenance group by 0.20 percent; and the personal care and other services group by 0.44 percent. The other three expenditure groups did not experience changes in the index, namely the clothing and footwear group; education group; and groups for providing food and beverages/restaurants.
The main commodities that contributed to deflation during February 2022 in Medan included broiler meat, broiler eggs, air transportation, cayenne pepper, dencis fish, cooking oil, and tuna/ambu-ambu fish.
Of the 24 CPI cities on the island of Sumatra, 18 cities recorded deflation. The highest deflation was in Tanjung Pandan at 2.08 percent with a CPI of 109.20 and the lowest was in Palembang at 0.01 percent with a CPI of 107.54.