In June 2023, the combined Year on Year (yoy) inflation of the five CPI cities in Sumatera Utara by 2.55 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nias Regency

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In June 2023, the combined Year on Year (yoy) inflation of the five CPI cities in Sumatera Utara by 2.55 percent

Release Date : July 15, 2023
File Size : 0.37 MB


  • In June 2023 there was a combined year on year (yoy) inflation for five cities in Sumatera Utara (Sibolga, Pematangsiantar, Medan, Padangsidimpuan and Gunungsitoli) of 2.55 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 113.54. Of the five CPI cities in Sumatera Utara, the highest yoy inflation occurred in Sibolga at 3.88 percent with a CPI of 117.60 and the lowest occurred in Gunungsitoli at 1.01 percent with a CPI of 114.79.
  • Yoy inflation occurred due to price increases as indicated by an increase in the entire price index for the expenditure group, namely the food, beverage and tobacco group by 0.36 percent; the clothing and footwear group by 3.47 percent; the housing, water, electricity and household fuel group of 1.30; equipment, equipment and household routine maintenance group by 0.90 percent; the health group by 2.03 percent; transportation group by 11.82 percent; the information, communication and financial services group by 0.29 percent; recreation, sport and culture group of 7.57 percent; the education group by 0.55 percent; the group providing food and drink/restaurants by 3.38 percent; and the personal care and other services group of 5.09 percent.
  • The main commodities contributing to yoy inflation in June 2023 include gasoline, rice, filter clove cigarettes, inner-city transportation, purebred chicken meat, garlic, and house rent.
  • The June 2023 month to month (mtm) inflation rate was 0.31 percent and the June 2023 year to date (ytd) inflation rate was 0.68 percent.
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