Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) 2022 mengalami peningkatan dibanding tahun sebelumnya. IPM Sumatera Utara 2022 adalah sebesar 72,71 atau tumbuh 0,99 persen (meningkat 0,71 poin) dibandingkan capaian IPM 2021. Peningkatan IPM 2022 didukung oleh peningkatan disemua komponen penyusunnya. Komponen IPM dengan pertumbuhan tertinggi pada 2022 adalah pengeluaran per kapita yang disesuaikan. Pada 2022, pengeluaran riil per kapita yang disesuaikan telah meningkat 3,32 persen dibanding 2021. Dari sisi p
The 2022 Human Development Index (HDI) has increased compared to the previous year. The 2022 Sumatera Utara HDI is 72.71 or grows 0.99 percent (an increase of 0.71 points) compared to the 2021 HDI achievements.
The increase in HDI 2022 is supported by improvements in all its constituent components. The HDI component with the highest growth in 2022 is adjusted expenditure per capita. In 2022, adjusted real per capita spending has increased by 3.32 percent compared to 2021.
In terms of education, in 2022 children aged 7 years have the hope of enjoying 13.31 years of formal education or nearly the equivalent of the length of time it takes to complete education up to Diploma I level. This figure has increased by 0.04 years compared to 2021 which reached 13.27 years . In addition, the average length of schooling for residents aged 25 years and over has also increased by 0.13 years, from 9.58 years to 9.71 years in 2022.
From a health standpoint, babies born in 2022 have the hope of being able to live up to 69.61 years, 0.38 years longer than those born in the previous year.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Nias (Statistics Nias Regency) Jl. Ampera No. 3