In 2021, the rice harvested area is estimated at 394.18 thousand hectares with a production of 2.07 million tons GKG - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nias Regency

In 2021, the rice harvested area is estimated at 394.18 thousand hectares with a production of 2.07 million tons GKG

In 2021, the rice harvested area is estimated at 394.18 thousand hectares with a production of 2.07 million tons GKGDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 9, 2021
File Size : 3.85 MB


  • The rice harvested area in 2021 is estimated at 394.18 thousand hectares, an increase of 5.59 thousand hectares or 1.44 percent compared to 2020 which was 388.59 thousand hectares.
  • Rice production in 2021 is estimated at 2.07 million tons of GKG, an increase of 34.36 thousand tons of GKG or 1.68 percent compared to 2020 which was 2.04 million tons of GKG.
  • If the potential for rice production in 2021 is converted into rice for food consumption for the population, then rice production in 2021 is estimated at 1.18 million tons, an increase of 19.60 thousand tons or 1.68 percent compared to 2020 which was 1.16 million tons.
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