North Sumatra Province Farmer's Exchange Rate in July 2021 is 115.78 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nias Regency

North Sumatra Province Farmer's Exchange Rate in July 2021 is 115.78

North Sumatra Province Farmer's Exchange Rate in July 2021 is 115.78Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 3, 2021
File Size : 1.99 MB


• Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) is the ratio of the price index received by farmers (It) to the index of price paid by farmers (Ib).

• NTP is one indicator to see the level of ability/purchasing power of farmers in rural areas. NTP also shows the terms of trade of agricultural products with goods and services consumed as well as for production costs.

• In July 2021, the NTP of North Sumatra Province (2018=100) was recorded at 115.78 or a decrease of 0.68 percent compared to the NTP of June 2021, which was 116.56.

• The decrease in FTT in July 2021 was due to a decrease in FTT in two sub-sectors, namely the FTT for the Food Crops sub-sector by 0.69 percent and the NTP for the People's Plantation Plant sub-sector by 1.02 percent. Meanwhile, the NTP of the other three sub-sectors experienced an increase, namely the NTP of the Horticulture sub-sector by 0.31 percent, the NTP of the Livestock Sub-sector by 0.09 percent, and the FTT of the Fisheries sub-sector by 0.19 percent.

• Changes in the Household Consumption Index (IKRT) reflect the rate of rural inflation/deflation. In July 2021, rural inflation in North Sumatra was 0.47 percent.

• The Agricultural Household Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) of North Sumatra Province in July 2021 was 116.72 or decreased by 0.48 percent. compared to the previous month's NTUP.
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