May 2021, North Sumatra's exports decreased by 8.91 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nias Regency

May 2021, North Sumatra's exports decreased by 8.91 percent

May 2021, North Sumatra's exports decreased by 8.91 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 8, 2021
File Size : 0.86 MB


  • The value of exports through loading ports in North Sumatra in May 2021 decreased compared to April 2021, from US$1.00 billion to US$913.86 million or decreased by 8.91 percent. When compared to May 2020, North Sumatra's exports increased by 76.01 percent
  • The category of goods that experienced the largest increase in the export value of North Sumatra in May 2021 compared to April 2021 was the various chemical products group of US$26.46 million (30.72%).
  • Exports to China in May 2021 were the largest at US$109.74 million, followed by the United States at US$87.41 million and Pakistan at US$65.58 million with the contribution of the three reaching 28.75 percent.
  • According to the main group of export destinations in May 2021, exports to the Asian region (outside ASEAN) were the largest with a value of US$330.55 (36.17%)
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